Meredith King catalyzes ministry leaders with compelling, biblically based resources proven to strengthen Kingdom-builders for higher impact. She is the same on-stage as she is in person—disarmingly kind and devoted to your ministry’s mission. Meredith is a world-class leader, life-changing coach, and nonprofit executive.
Meredith’s entrepreneurial and strategic instincts led her to create and sustain national initiatives with global impact. She sees the big picture and knows what your team needs to reach their full potential. In addition to two decades of ministry and nonprofit leadership, Meredith pulls from her lived experience as a pastor’s kid, pastor’s wife, and working mom. When she teaches from the Scriptures, her vulnerability, strength, and resilience resonate with her audience. When she keynotes from a platform, her audience leaves empowered with Spirit-filled vision and equipped with practical next steps.
Meredith King is a nonprofit and leadership strategist whose passion is catalyzing leaders and organizations for greater impact. She is the founder and vision ambassador of True to Life Ministries, as well as a strategic advisor for Integrus Leadership. She invests in thousands of top-level leaders worldwide every year through executive coaching, insanely practical strategic planning, and wisdom-filled keynotes. Meredith holds a certificate in non-profit management from The Bush School of Government & Public Service, a Sociology degree from Texas A&M, and she uses her experience and education to serve organizations including United Way, Joni & Friends, Boys and Girls Club, Messenger International, Jesus Culture, and several nationally recognized anti-human trafficking organizations. She and her husband, David, have been married for 17 years and have two energetic children, Abigail and Ella. Meredith joyfully survives on coffee and queso.