8 Traits of A Healthy Leader

April 19, 2022

By Tod Tanner, Integrus Leadership Coach

Leadership is a behavior that influences others and drives outcomes. A biblical example of someone who influenced those around him and drove outcomes is Nehemiah. He had a task in front of him in that the walls around Jerusalem were down. Nehemiah could have sulked about this, but he chose to influence those around him which yielded an outcome of the walls being rebuilt. 

Our goal in this blog post is to examine the biblical leadership qualities of Nehemiah and discover eight traits that he embraced that can be embodied in the best church leaders today. We do not merely want to see what Nehemiah did in the past––we want to exam his actions and then see how today’s church leaders can embrace these biblical leadership qualities personally as well as on a church leadership team.

8 Traits of A Healthy Leader

1. Healthy teams have a heart for the work

           One sign of bad church leadership is if a team does not have a heart for the task ahead. Leadership in the church requires being able to influence others or drive outcomes. Nehemiah was effective as a leader because he had a heart for the monumental task before him. Nehemiah, who was a cupbearer for the king, was going about his daily business. He encountered a friend and inquired as to the wellbeing of the Jewish remnant in Jerusalem. His friend informed him that things were not well as the protective walls around Jerusalem were down and the remnant was in dire circumstances. Upon hearing these words, he sat down, wept, mourned, fasted, and prayed for a number of days (Neh. 1:3-4).

I have a couple of questions for us. When is the last time that we have gathered with our leadership teams and asked God to break our hearts for those we serve? When is the last time that we have asked God to help us see those we serve through His eyes. Nehemiah was effective because he was broken hearted over what Jerusalem was experiencing. We can be as effective, but we must have a heart for the tasks that lay ahead. If we do not have a heart for the tasks, we are more apt to convince ourselves that we can complete the tasks in our own efforts and not depended upon His sovereign leadership.

2. Healthy teams have a heart of deference

           Nehemiah was in a significant position of influence as cupbearer to the king. He would test the king’s food prior to the king receiving it. Even in this position, he understood that he was not in charge. The king was of a higher rank and God was the ultimate authority. We see this when we study his prayer found in 1:11. He asked God to hear the prayer of his servant and guide his words as he spoke to the king about the situation.

           A sign of poor leadership in the life of a church team is someone jockeying for status. One team member can become fixated on making sure others know his latest accomplishment. When accolades are being had, this person feels the need to be front and center. Nehemiah would have none of this. He knew that he was at the mercy of the king’s blessing before he could go to Jerusalem. He also knew that the sovereign Father was ultimately in charge and begged God’s blessing upon the conversation with the king.


3. Healthy teams clearly understand their priorities

           Even the best church leaders and teams can feel overwhelmed by the task at hand. These feelings often result in a sleepless night as we toss and turn while contemplating all that is ahead of us. Don’t worry, we are in good company. Nehemiah experienced the same thing. We find in Chapter 2 Nehemiah arriving in Jerusalem. Upon arrival he sees the wall in ruins. After three days of being there, he arose at night, spoke to no one and began to personally assess the situation (2:11-16). This is healthy in that he did not allow the magnitude of the task to paralyze him with fear.

The best church leaders and church teams do not allow the scope of the task to hinder their progress. Yes, we may loose sleep. We may needlessly concern ourselves with all that must take place. But, we do not allow ourselves to freeze up. Instead, we personally inspect all that is going on so that a plan can be developed. If a team does not clearly understand what is needed, it becomes next to impossible to influence others and drive outcomes.


4. Healthy teams have clearly defined goals

           Nehemiah was a great leader because he clearly defined the goals. Upon returning from assessing the situation, he gathered others and communicated what needed to take place. He told them, “You see the trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins and its gates have been burned. Come, let’s rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace” (2:17).

It is hard to believe that anyone could have walked away from this conversation and speculated what Nehemiah was asking for and why he was asking. Nehemiah summed up the problem as well as the solution in one concise sentence. A healthy church team will model this by striving to clearly define goals and influencing others to accomplish these goals.

5. Healthy teams are cohesive and unified

           Nehemiah 3 is one of the most pivotal chapters in the book. We find here a list of people who actively began to rebuild the wall together. This is pivotal in that we do not see any distinctions in class, socio-economic standing or status. Everyone knew the task that needed to be completed and why it needed to be completed. We do not find a committee being developed that would study the issue and then report back in six months. Instead, people getting to work together.

Pastor, do you want to grow your influence? Ask the worship pastor if there is anything you can do to help him prior to the upcoming night of worship. Youth pastor, do you want to grow your influence? Ask the children’s pastor how you can pray for those in the children’s ministry. Ministry is not supposed to be something done in isolation. Ministry is something that is done together and it takes a team to pull off a healthy and Christ honoring ministry.


6. Healthy teams can face critics

           It did not take long for the boo birds to arrive.  The wall was being completed in and the critics arrived. Sanballat, one of the critics, became furious, began to mock the Jews and presented a variety of questions to those who would listen which were intended to demoralize those working (4:1-3). We can all testify to feeling the barbs of our critics and how much we did not enjoy that experience.

But, the criticism did not stop Nehemiah and his faithful crew from accomplishing God’s assigned task. Instead, the team “rebuilt the wall until the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had the will to keep working” (4:6). That was a team more concerned about fulfilling the God sized calling as opposed to listening to a small group of naysayers who were doing nothing to further the ministry.


7. Healthy teams stay focused

           Sanballat and his friends were not to be deterred either. As the wall was nearing completion, they began to request individual time with Nehemiah. The goal of the meeting was to try and harm Nehemiah (6:2). His response to their request was, “I am doing important work and cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” (6:3).

That is focus and healthy church teams will have this kind of focus. How many of us are guilty of yielding precious time to things that are not going to further the call that the Lord has placed upon us. Instead, we need to focus upon the task and hand. We know that God has called us to the task and we have submitted to His calling. Let’s stay focused on Him and His calling and address secondary issues later.


8. Healthy teams are humble

           “The wall was completed in fifty-two days . . . When all our enemies heard this, all the surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God” (6:15-16). Did you notice who receive the credit? Nehemiah did not use his name here. He did not even use a personal pronoun. Instead, he gave complete credit to Almighty God.

 The words humble and leader need to be synonyms. This is especially true for those involved in church leadership. If it was not for the grace of God, we would be in a mess. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others in such a way that they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). Anything good that we accomplish is a direct result of God’s goodness and healthy teams are always quick to point others to God.


We have a list of eight biblical characteristics of a healthy team. Let’s all take a moment to evaluate ourselves and our teams against this list. The areas in which we believe we are doing well, let’s thank God and ask Him to use us. The areas in which we struggle, let’s confess this as a team and ask God to change us and use us for His glory. A healthy church team is biblical and doable. We know this to be true because we see it in the book of Nehemiah.

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The Power of Encouragement: Speaking Life Into Others
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At Integrus Leadership, we are passionate about championing organizations whose leaders demonstrate a commitment to excellence and advancing the Kingdom of God. That's why we're highlighting these incredible teams through our Leaders We Love series. Here are four organizations we are thrilled to feature this month.
By Kat Armstrong December 2, 2024
My prayer life as a leader has had its ups and downs. There are times when: I've prayed timidly, which is surprising because I am not a timid person. I've prayed feeling unworthy, even though I know in my heart that I am worthy to approach the throne of grace with boldness. Sometimes I wonder, "Who am I to ask for this?" I've prayed burdened, feeling the weight of the world's troubles and wondering if my personal requests are even valid. As we kick off a new year and launch our 30 Days of Prayer, I'm curious what your prayer life is like. Are you praying timidly, unworthily, or burdened? Or, are you praying with power, expectancy, and delight? And the harder question: Are you praying for your leadership, at work, or even in the midst of your work? Lately, I've realized that the most powerful leaders in Scripture were devoted to prayer. Hannah, from 1 Samuel 1 is a prime example. Hannah knew: The anguish of infertility. The pain of a broken heart The shame that comes with a body that does not cooperate with your deepest hopes. The mistreatment of a family member. The impact weak spiritual leadership could have in her country. The isolation of suffering in a society driven by evil. The feelings of worthless in a culture that didn’t value her. The confusion of prayers seemingly going unanswered. And yet, Hannah knew how to bring all her struggles to God in prayer.
By Lyle Wells December 2, 2024
“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Harry S. Truman Researchers have analyzed dozens of metrics, and time and time again, the results say the same thing: what separates the good leaders from the great leaders is their commitment to reading. If you want to improve your leadership skills, develop a healthy team, or foster a growth-oriented culture in your organization, start reading leadership books that will help lead yourself, lead a team, or lead an organization. Why Reading Makes Leaders Great Reading expands your viewpoint. In a way, reading books sits you down in front of the author, like a student before the teacher, as they tell you their story and impart their learned knowledge and wisdom. Reading sharpens your problem-solving skills. Julius Caesar is quoted as saying, “experience is the best teacher,” but we disagree; someone else’s experience is the best teacher! When we learn from the wins and losses of those who have gone before us, exposing the problems they have already solved (or not), it helps us analyze information more effectively. Reading fuels creativity and innovation. Books connect us with people who we might otherwise never have the opportunity to learn from, injecting fresh concepts and ideas into stale and stagnant thought patterns. Reading also equips leaders to adapt to change and embrace new strategies because “learning” sits at the core of reading. Reading triggers something inside us that says, “I’m open to new ideas,” readying ourselves for change. Our Staff’s Top Picks The Integrus team has put together a list of our top picks. We’re committed to providing you with insanely practical tools and resources to assist you on your leadership journey, and this list will help you get started on your reading journey to becoming a great leader. We’ve divided the list into 3 categories. These books will help you: lead yourself, lead others, and lead your organization. These books would also make great gifts or stocking stuffers. So, if you’re not sure what to get the leaders in your life for Christmas, this list will give you some ideas. Each of the books on this list have helped our team grow into healthy leaders who make up an effective team, so I am confident they will help you, too. Click the link below to view the 2025 Reading List our website. We’ve creating a page with all of these books linked directly to an online store. Our hope is that this makes it even easier for you to dip your toe in the pool of knowledge that awaits you.
By Brittany Rosenbohm November 20, 2024
Just days ago, I crossed the finish line of the New York City Marathon, and I’m still riding the high of that experience—medal and all! After eight years of running and five dedicated months of training for this race, I faced unexpected challenges, including a foot injury that nearly sidelined me. These obstacles gave me deeper insights into leadership, lessons I’m excited to share with you. Patience and Persistence Matter Leadership, much like marathon training, is not a sprint. It’s easy to look at leaders and assume that progress is quick and linear, but the reality is often far different. Progress can be slow, non-linear, and full of unexpected twists and turns. During my training, there were days when progress felt almost nonexistent. Yet, those were the moments that mattered most—when I had to push through fatigue, self-doubt, and setbacks. True leaders understand that lasting success comes from staying the course, even when the path forward is uncertain and demanding. Setbacks Are Part of the Journey In both marathons and leadership, setbacks are inevitable. For me, it was a foot injury that flared up weeks before race day. In leadership, it might be unforeseen complications, such as strained resources or processes that don’t go as planned. These challenges can feel discouraging, but great leaders learn to pivot, adapt, and find creative solutions. Setbacks build resilience, and this resilience becomes the fuel that propels you toward future triumphs. Each challenge I overcame during my training helped me build mental and physical endurance for race day—and the same is true for leadership. Celebrate the Small Wins Marathons are long, and reaching each mile marker brings its own sense of achievement. Passing the 5-mile mark, reaching the halfway point, and finally seeing the finish line were moments I celebrated, even if just with a mental cheer. The same principle applies to leadership: every milestone, no matter how small, deserves recognition. These moments of celebration keep your team motivated and energized. They remind everyone that progress is happening, and that acknowledgment helps sustain the team’s drive toward bigger goals. As a leader, it’s essential to create an environment where small wins are appreciated and celebrated. While I know some of you, like my friend Kat, may joke that you'd only run if someone were chasing you, the lessons I took from the NYC Marathon extend far beyond running. I hope these insights inspire you to lead with patience, embrace resilience during challenges, and find joy in celebrating progress—whether you’re striving to complete a major organizational project or pursuing personal growth. Leadership, like marathon training, is a journey that tests us in countless ways, but the lessons along the way make all the difference. Keep pushing forward, celebrate the journey, and know that each step takes you closer to your finish line.
By Kristin Henderson November 4, 2024
Do a quick search online, and you'll find that 19.1% of the adults in the US have an anxiety disorder. That's almost one in every five people. More troubling, this doesn't include the undiagnosed men, women, and children. And while there is very little info to be found on how many of those people identify as Christians, we know that it's not just a problem for "the world." Fear and anxiety are running rampant in the church these days, too. But this isn't a new problem, is it? Humanity has been dealing with fear since the Garden of Eden. After eating from the tree they had been commanded not to, Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden and they were afraid because they were naked, so they hid themselves. And from that point, the stories of fear just keep on flowing. Right up to my family tree. Fear and anxiety have been a common issue in my family through the generations. Maybe you know what that's like. Maybe fear and anxiety are a new battle for you. Or maybe you know someone who's currently fighting this war of the mind. Whatever your relationship is with fear, there's hope. And I'm not talking about the kind of elusive hope based on cheerful platitudes and well-meaning but empty encouragement. I'm talking about practical truth, based in scripture, and supported by science. I have overcome anxiety, and I am overcoming anxiety every day, and here's how I am doing it. One thousand gifts to overcome anxiety Anxiety is fear of the future, which is really fear of the unknown, and I've struggled with both since I was little. As a small child, I remember lying in bed, worrying about the silliest things. Anything I could imagine to worry about, I did. It would keep me up at night and make me physically sick. This iniquity worked its way through my life and into adulthood, at one point, sending me to the emergency room with chest pains. I was relieved that it wasn't a heart attack, but learning that it was a panic attack made me feel all kinds of ways. I felt ashamed that as a Christian I didn't have more faith to not be afraid. I felt defeated as a mother who was supposed to be strong for her kids. I felt like a failure as a wife because I couldn't be the support I wanted to be to my husband. I was so tempted to worry about my worrying! But instead, I determined to defeat this thing. I was unwilling to allow fear to rob me anymore of the abundant life God promised me, and there was no way I was passing this on to my kids. I read a book called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and it was a healing balm to my fear-weary soul. This book was the key that began breaking the chains of fear and anxiety that had held me captive since I was a little girl, and I've been walking in freedom ever since. In the book, Ann talked about the benefits of giving thanks and living a life of gratitude. Of course as a Christian and a polite girl from the South, I was used to saying please and thank you like my mama taught me. But through her book, Ann challenged me to make gratitude part of my everyday life by finding 3 things each day to be grateful for, to count the gifts until you reach 1000, and then keep going! I don't know how to fully describe the shift that began inside of me, but for the first time in my life, I was walking in more peace and hope than I ever had! I also started to notice that my anxiety was decreasing while noticeable joy was increasing, despite circumstances that were less than favorable. I love when science confirms scripture Countless studies have been done to examine the effects of fear and anxiety on the brain and effective coping strategies. I came across one of these studies and learned something that was so exciting to me. I learned that the part of your brain that lights up when you're feeling fear and anxiety is the same part that lights up when you express gratitude. I also learned that your brain cannot process two emotions at the same time, meaning you couldn't express fear and gratitude at the same time; one would take over the other. I love when science confirms scripture! Immediately I thought about this scripture in the New Testament: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving , let your requests be made known to God; [Phil 4:6 NKJV, emphasis added] Paul wasn't just saying that it's a good idea to pray when you're anxious. (How many of us have tried this over and over just to end up feeling like your prayers don't make it past your ceiling? I definitely have.) Paul was telling his readers a divinely-inspired secret about our brains— you can't be anxious and grateful at the same time because they are processed in the same part of the brain. And if you want to defeat your anxiety, express gratitude to the Lord in prayer, and the anxiety will leave! Practicing a life of gratitude Now for some practical tools and strategies for living a life of gratitude. So many people have had great ideas on how to do this, and I've listed some of my favorites below. Remember that the idea is to retrain your thoughts, so you want to engage in some practice of gratitude every day. Gratitude journal If you struggle with swirling thoughts in your brain, I highly recommend journaling because it helps to see your thoughts in black and white. And the same is true for gratitude. You could keep a running list of things you're grateful for, or write out a prayer to the Lord telling Him what you're grateful for. You could also take the "one line a day" approach and write one sentence of gratitude a day. Write notes of gratitude God isn't the only one we can express our gratitude to. Writing notes to coworkers, friends, or loved ones will get you in the habit of looking for the good in people and then affirming it. This will also boost their gratitude and strengthen your relationships. If you're not much of a writer, tell them to their face. Spoken words are no less impactful when expressing gratitude. Gratitude jar This is a fun one! At the beginning of the year, get a jar and a bunch of scraps of paper. Every day, write down one thing you're grateful for that day and put it in the jar. At the end of the year (this is a great activity for New Years Eve), open the jar and read back through all the things you said you were grateful for. Pray and thank the Lord for the 365+ reasons He's given you to be grateful. Gratitude walks Adam walked with God in the garden, and I believe they talked, laughed, and shared their gratitude with each other. Take walks through your neighborhood or a nearby park, and take notice of the beauty of creation and the simple things for which you're grateful. If you know your neighbors, you can also express gratitude in prayer for what they mean to you. Prayers of Gratitude Yes, gratitude journals and jars may help put you in a better mood and get you looking for the brighter things in life, but it's the Lord that brings peace. So if you want lasting peace and freedom from fear and worry, practice gratitude in prayer. When you begin praying, take a few minutes to tell God the reasons you're grateful for who He is and what He's done for you. It's God's peace that guards your heart God instructed us to not be anxious and instead, to be thankful in prayer because it's for our benefit, which he shares in the very next verse (Phil 4:7): and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. His peace, which is greater than all understanding will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. We don't have to be afraid of the future or the unknown because His peace is greater. We don't have to be afraid when we don't understand what's happening around us because His peace is stronger. Focusing on who God is through gratitude reminds us that He has everything we need. He is our peace, provision, healer, defender, comforter and so much more! Focusing on what God has already done for us on the cross reminds us that He sees us, He knows what we're going through, and He understands the hardships of living in this sin-torn world. Focusing on all the ways He has provided, rescued, and performed miracles reminds us that there is nothing He can't do. Retraining our thoughts requires some work on our part, but it's totally possible. Choose to practice a life of gratitude, starting today, and experience the freedom you've longed for. Draw a line in the sand and say, "The madness stops with me!" Don't let fear and anxiety make it past you to affect one more generation.
By Cooper Kay October 2, 2024
As someone who played baseball for over 20 years, I learned a lot about leadership. Baseball is more than just a game—it’s a powerful teacher. Here are my top 10 leadership lessons from the sport that has shaped how I lead today: 1️⃣ You have to be a little crazy if you want to be great. To be exceptional, you’ve got to push boundaries. Just like the best baseball players, great leaders aren’t afraid to take risks and step outside their comfort zones. They embrace challenges with passion and tenacity, even when it seems a bit "crazy" to others. 2️⃣ Success doesn’t come often, so when it does, celebrate it. Baseball is a game of failure—players fail more than they succeed, so when success comes, take the time to celebrate it. The same goes for leadership. Take time to acknowledge the wins, no matter how small they may seem. Celebrating success fuels motivation for the next challenge. 3️⃣ Failure is inevitable, but don’t settle for it—rise above your setbacks. Just because failure happens doesn’t mean we have to accept it or settle for it. Baseball taught me that while failure is frequent, it's also an opportunity for growth. As leaders, we should learn from setbacks, rise above them, and never get comfortable with mediocrity. 4️⃣ Failure isn’t just a step on the path to success; it’s a foundational building block. In baseball, failure is part of the process. The best players use their mistakes to improve. Similarly, failure is essential in leadership. It's not just a stepping stone—it’s the foundation that builds resilience, adaptability, and eventual success. 5️⃣ You have to hate losing way more than you love winning. The drive to avoid failure can often be stronger than the desire to win. Great leaders, like great athletes, are deeply competitive. It’s not just about wanting to win—it’s about refusing to lose. This competitive spirit fuels growth and perseverance. 6️⃣ Not every at-bat needs to be a home run—sometimes, singles are exactly what you need. In today’s culture, we often glorify the "home runs"—the big wins and flashy successes. But in baseball, as in leadership, consistency matters. Sometimes, small wins are just as important. You don’t need to hit it out of the park every time; a well-placed single is what gets the job done. 7️⃣ Isolation is not an option—you can’t play all the positions. In baseball, teamwork is essential. No one can play all nine positions. The same is true in leadership. You need to trust your team and rely on their strengths. Isolation leads to burnout, while collaboration leads to success. 8️⃣ Playing with fear means playing with failure. When you let fear control you, failure follows. On the field and in leadership, playing timidly often leads to errors. Leaders must act with confidence and courage, even in uncertain circumstances. 9️⃣ Sometimes you do everything right and still lose; sometimes you do everything wrong and still win. Baseball, like life, is unpredictable. You can make all the right moves and still not get the result you want. Conversely, you might make mistakes and still come out on top. The key is to learn from every experience and keep improving, regardless of the outcome. 🔟 Numbers can be more distracting than helpful. In baseball, players can get caught up in stats—batting averages, home runs, RBIs. But focusing too much on numbers can distract from the bigger picture. In leadership, metrics are important, but they don’t tell the whole story. Focus on progress and improvement, not just the numbers. Keys to Successful Leadership Awareness Brings Confidence and Clarity One of the biggest lessons from baseball is the importance of awareness. Players who know where everyone is on the field and understand each person’s role play with confidence and freedom. The same applies to leadership. When you have clarity about your team’s roles and responsibilities, you create an environment where everyone can thrive. Be Ready to Pivot In baseball, you never know when you’ll be asked to play a different position. It’s important to be adaptable and ready to pivot when needed. As leaders, we should develop the ability to pivot quickly, adjusting our strategies when circumstances change. Don’t Settle for Failure Just because failure happens often in baseball doesn’t mean you have to like it. Many players use the sport's inherent difficulty as an excuse, but I believe we should hate losing. The competitive spirit should motivate us to work harder and be better every day. Celebrate Success Lastly, don’t forget to celebrate your wins. In ministry and leadership, we can get so caught up in what’s not working that we overlook the good things happening. Take time to acknowledge the positive outcomes, and let that fuel your drive to keep moving forward. Final Thoughts Leadership is like baseball—there’s always room to grow, always something to learn, and always a reason to keep striving. Whether you’re celebrating small wins or learning from failures, the key is to stay focused, stay humble, and keep pushing forward. Remember, success may not come often, but when it does, it’s worth celebrating.
By Kat Armstrong September 19, 2024
At Integrus, we’re committed to supporting female leaders. We recently hosted a free webinar with two of our behavioral leadership experts to answer the questions female leaders were asking. Our team has distilled that conversation to create the following content, complete with their greatest insights and coaching tips specifically for supporting female leaders. The Crucial Role of Confidence Many women experience a lower level of confidence compared to their male colleagues. One way this might show up in a female leader's life is hesitating to step forward until she feels completely ready. Sometimes, this is the thing that slows her progress, while the men around her excel because they're more likely to jump at opportunities whether or not they have it all figured out. But here’s a thought that might change the way you approach leadership roles: "God doesn't call the equipped; rather, he equips the called." The Bible is full of stories of God fulfilling His purposes through men AND women who, looking at the outside, didn't have what it takes. But God looks at the heart. This powerful notion suggests that you don’t need to wait until you feel fully prepared to take on leadership challenges. Leadership skills can be honed over time, and starting before you feel ready can be part of the journey. Ways female leaders can boost confidence, both internally and externally: Internally, it’s about fostering a steadfast belief in the Lord's divine placement in your current role. Telling yourself, "I belong here because I am meant to be here," can be incredibly empowering. God's given you this assignment. Externally, confidence can be projected through your body language and energy. Simple actions like smiling and making eye contact can communicate confidence within the first moments of interaction with your team, setting a positive tone for what follows. The Power of Mentorship and Coaching In most cases, the female leaders who experience the greatest breakthrough in their leadership are being mentored or coached. The author of Ecclesiastes admonishes us that two people are better off than one because they can help each other succeed, but finding the right mentor or coach shouldn't feel overwhelming. Here’s how you can start: Identify Growth Areas: Determine the top three skills or qualities you want to enhance. This focus will guide you in selecting a mentor who can truly help you progress. Reach Out Proactively: No one is likely to offer mentorship without you initiating. Make phone calls or send messages to potential mentors, inviting them for coffee. Be clear that you’d like to meet specifically to discuss your development areas and get their advice. Ask Specific Questions: When you meet, have specific questions prepared that will help you understand how this mentor can guide you in your identified areas of growth. Look for Humility: Choose a mentor who values learning from you as much as you will from them. This two-way educational relationship, known as reverse mentoring, ensures both parties gain from the experience. (Remember, two can help each other succeed.) Healing from Leadership Scars Leadership roles often come with their share of challenges, such as feeling overlooked or undervalued, that can lead to emotional wounds and sometimes leave deep scars. If that's you, you're not alone. (Even the men struggle with this.) You can't help the behavior of others, but you can take ownership of your healing so that these scars don't keep you from moving forward. Here’s how you can begin the healing process: Acknowledge the Hurt: Recognize and admit your feelings. Understanding that it's okay to feel hurt. Clearly defining the hurt is the first step towards healing. This awareness is crucial because it's the starting point for change. You can't fix what you can't identify. Seek External Support: Look for support outside your current environment. This could be professional counseling, a coach outside your organization, or a trusted peer group. External perspectives can offer new insights because they have zero biases. Also, choose someone who will shoot you straight and tell you the truth, even if it means exposing a blind spot in your life. Invest in Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. This includes getting adequate sleep, engaging in recreational activities, eating well, and maintaining social connections. Good physical health supports emotional resilience. Remember that we are made up of spirit, soul and body, and we need to tend to all three to keep "the engine" running smoothly. Monitor Your Self-Talk: Be mindful of your internal dialogue. Challenge and change any overly critical or negative thoughts. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. If you really struggle with this, consider writing in a journal when you catch yourself in a thought spiral. Seeing your thoughts in "black and white" can illuminate areas in which you're really struggling. Ask God to Heal Your Heart Through Prayer: Healing only comes from Jesus. He is the mender of broken hearts. As you identify wounds and scars and begin to get a handle on the spiraling thoughts in your mind, take them to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to help you heal. Read scriptures, and write down all of God's promises you come across. Pray and speak those over yourself, and you will begin to experience His joy and peace growing to replace the hurt. Stay Faithful and Patient: Continue to be diligent and faithful in your role. Trust that even if your efforts seem unrecognized now, the value you provide does not go unnoticed. In time, your contributions will be acknowledged, and opportunities will arise. There are times when you have to do as Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." Remember, healing from leadership scars involves patience and self-advocacy. You are not alone in these experiences, and taking these steps can empower you to emerge stronger and more resilient. Resources & Support We've partnered with The Boldly Conference to offer you a discount on their upcoming one-day event for female leaders. Use this code when you register to receive a 20% discount on tickets: INTEGRUS . Supporting Female Leader Video: Watch our video discussion to gain more insights and strategies that can directly benefit your career and personal growth. Empower yourself to step up confidently and make your mark as a leader!
By Brent Monogue September 12, 2024
One Leader's Story of Leading Through Their Hardest Year Yet
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