

Executive Coaching

The most effective leaders are devoted to relentless growth––a passionate commitment to consistently add knowledge, skills, and perspective. Leaders with this are unstoppable. 

Relentless growth is not just about attending a seminar or listening to a podcast. Real, true growth happens through executive coaching. The best leaders are aggressively pursuing new strategies and then applying those strategies so that they can influence the people they care so deeply about. 

Integrus executive coaching programs make all the difference because the skills that got you where you are now likely will not be enough to make you thrive in your next season of leadership. As you are entrusted with greater roles and responsibilities, you must continue to sharpen and develop your knowledge, skills, and perspective so that you can be as effective as possible. 

The reason someone is a high-level ministry leader is not because of a special calling, but because of their uncommon commitment to growth. 

Focus Your Ladership.

Maximize Your Influence.

Scale Your Impact

Acquire new knowledge, skills and perspective 

Find new strategies to take you to the next level 



Executive Coaching

The most effective leaders are devoted to relentless growth––a passionate commitment to consistently add knowledge, skills, and perspective. Leaders with this are unstoppable. 

Relentless growth is not just about attending a seminar or listening to a podcast. Real, true growth happens through executive coaching. The best leaders are aggressively pursuing new strategies and then applying those strategies so that they can influence the people they care so deeply about. 

Integrus executive coaching programs make all the difference because the skills that got you where you are now likely will not be enough to make you thrive in your next season of leadership. As you are entrusted with greater roles and responsibilities, you must continue to sharpen and develop your knowledge, skills, and perspective so that you can be as effective as possible. 

The reason someone is a high-level ministry leader is not because of a special calling, but because of their uncommon commitment to growth. 

Focus Your Leadership.

Maximize Your Influence.

Scale Your Impact

Acquire new knowledge, skills and perspective 

Find new strategies to take you to the next level 




When was the last time you invested in your growth and development?

With Executive Coaching from Integrus, you’ll get:

Monthly one-on-one coaching sessions with an executive coach  

An Integrus360 leadership profile, a research-backed behavioural analysis report

A one-of-a-kind traction plan unique to you 

A customized plan to develop your leadership over 6 or 12 months using proprietary resources and leadership tools 

Real-time support and accountability from your executive coach

No matter where you find yourself in your journey of leadership, we’re here to help you break through plateaus, build confidence and achieve new levels of personal growth. 

Get Started

Perfect for: Senior and mid-level leaders wanting custom solutions to accelerate their growth.

Monthly one-on-one coaching sessions facilitated by phone, over video conferencing, or in person

Conversations centered on your goals and areas of greatest need

Customized TrAction Plan based on feedback from the Flippen Profile, a 360-degree behavioral assessment

Access to proprietary tools and resources

Get Started

Perfect for: Senior and mid-level leaders wanting custom solutions to accelerate their growth.

A series of four interactive 90-minute group video coaching calls (enrollment open in spring and fall)

Opportunity to connect with 4-8 like-minded ministry leaders

Expert teaching and group-coaching by a seasoned Integrus coach

One or more proprietary tools you can put to immediate use

Get Started

“When I started, I questioned whether I could really be the leader my area of ministry needs, but I don’t question that any more. This experience has given me the tools and practical how-to’s to lead my team well!”


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“When I started, I questioned whether I could really be the leader my area of ministry needs, but I don’t question that any more. This experience has given me the tools and practical how-to’s to lead my team well!”


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